Public Works & Sanitation
Public Works
When you travel on a town street, take a stroll on the sidewalk, enter a town owned building, set out your garbage, or stand under the shade of one of the town-maintained trees, you are benefiting from one of many services provided by the Town of Sawmills Department of Public Works. These benefits are an important part of your daily life, and most of us take them for granted. The dedicated employees of Public Works take pride in providing these services to our citizens.
Garbage Collection Days by Street Name
Recycle List Week A (see Event Calander for pick up dates) 2022 Week A Recycle Schedule
Recycle List Week B (see Event Calander for pick up dates) 2022 Week B Recycle Schedule
Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00am-3:30pm
Phone: (828) 396-2300
Fax: (828) 396-2300

Steve Coonse
Public Works Director

Rex Arrowood
Public Utility Worker II

Fraizer Stallings
Public Utility Worker II

Tony Beaver
Utility Worker I