Sawmills Beautification Program

A clean and litter-free community is fundamental to upholding the values and beauty of the Town of Sawmills. To maintain clean streets, parks, neighborhoods, streams, and natural areas, and to encourage citizen involvement, the Town has created the Adopt a Spot Program. Adopt a Spot (herein referred to as the Program) is administered through the Town’s litter reduction and beautification program, “Keeping Sawmills Clean and Forever Green”.
Volunteers with the Program agree to clean litter from their adopted area on a quarterly basis for a two year period per the requirements outlined in this document. The Town will in turn provide the volunteers with supplies and a recognition sign (where possible).
General provisions:
The Director of Public Works or his designee shall approve applications of individuals or groups (“Participants”) applying to participate in the Program.
Individuals, or frequently organized groups like non-profit organizations, volunteer for the Program and commit to provide volunteers to clean up litter in designated spots.
No person under 18 years of age will be assigned a Spot. Persons under 18 may participate only as part of a group.
Volunteers with the Program are neither employees nor independent contractors of the town of Sawmills, but are volunteers keeping our community clean and litter free.
Adopt a Spot Participants with volunteers under the age of 18 must provide adequate adult supervision. Along streets, volunteers must be at least 12 years old to participate (volunteers 12 to 18 years of age must also have adequate supervision).
Spots are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Only Participants determined by the Town to exhibit in good faith the willingness and the capacity to perform the responsibilities of the Program will be allowed to Adopt a Spot. The Town may refuse to grant a request to adopt if, in its opinion, granting the request would jeopardize the Program, be counterproductive to its purpose, or create a hazard to the safety of Town employees, any other individual, or the public. Participants shall not be discriminated against on the basis of religion, race, national origin, sex or handicap with respect to their participation in the Program. Where a handicap may affect the individual’s safe participation in the Program, attempts will be made to identify alternative opportunities.
The Town may inspect all requested adoption sites and reserves the right to deny any site for adoption.
Specific provisions for certain types of spots:
For Streets:
Adopt a minimum of one linear mile of roadway. Only Town of Sawmills roadways are open for adoption (State roads are not available through Adopt a Spot). Medians are not included and volunteers should not attempt to remove litter from medians unless prior approval has been given.
For Spots on Private Property (such as schools, libraries, neighborhood areas and trails):
Participants must obtain a License to Enter from the property owner similar in form to the attached sample License. All activities must be approved by the property owner. A sign will only be installed with written permission from the owner.
Participants agree to fulfill their responsibilities for a two-year period; however, the Town reserves the right to remove any Participant from the Program for violation of any of these requirements, including failure to complete the required number of cleanups; for unsafe, hazardous or unlawful activity by any Participant or member of any Participant group; or for any other reason. The Town will notify the Participant of its removal from the Program in writing.
The Participant agrees to:
Pickup litter at least four times a year along its section for a two year period.
Inform volunteers of risks and train them on proper safety procedures.
Ensure that all volunteers (or parents/guardian of a minor) have completed the attached waiver before participating in any sweeps. The waivers must be turned in to the Town Coordinator after each litter sweep.
Appoint a Group Coordinator to oversee cleanups, serve as the main contact by the Town Coordinator, and be responsible for ensuring that the safety guidelines are followed, report forms are filed and supply/trash pickup is arranged with the Town promptly.
Schedule their own workdays and notify the town Coordinator two weeks prior to sweeps.
Pick up litter sweep supplies and return any borrowed equipment to the Town Hall during normal business hours – 9am to 5pm.
Hold litter sweeps only in daylight hours, in good weather and in a group. No individual should undertake a sweep alone.
Participants are strongly encouraged to host two of their four required sweeps during the Town’s Spring and Fall Litter Sweep events.
It is recommended that the participant have at least one person on the crew that is certified in First Aid/CPR.
The Town Agrees to:
Provide Participants with trash bags, gloves and vests. Extra gloves, bags and disposable vests may be kept for the next sweep. Borrowed items are to be returned to Town Hall the next business day.
Provide safety information, guidelines and waivers to the Participant’s Group Coordinator who will then be responsible for disseminating that information to its volunteers.
Furnish, install and maintain a maximum of one sign with the Participant’s name at the adoption site (see sign form and restrictions). No sign will be placed if, in the town’s judgment, sign placement is not appropriate. The Town reserves the right to determine the best location to place the sign.
Participants will also be recognized on the town’s Web site.
Remove the trash and recycling bags on the following work day after the sweep.
Provide press information upon request from the media.
If you are interested in our Beautification Program then please set up an appointment with Town Administrator Christopher Todd to learn more. or (828) 396-7903.